Morrison SWCD
The district is directed by a five-member Board of Supervisors, each is elected to serve a four-year term of office.
The SWCD staff is responsible for carrying out the goals of the District including offering technical assistance to landowners to install conservation practices on their land. The SWCD staff also administers the Wetland Conservation Act for Morrison County, including the municipalities.
The regularly scheduled Board Meeting is typically held at 8am on the fourth Friday of the month at the USDA Service Center, 16776 Heron Rd, Little Falls, MN
Agenda will be posted online on our homepage under Upcoming Events at least 4 days prior to the meeting, and publicly posted on the front door of the USDA Service Center.

Morrison SWCD Board
Five elected citizens serve on the Board of Supervisors for the Morrison Soil and Water Conservation District. The Supervisors meet monthly to oversee activities of the SWCD staff. Meet our Supervisors.

Morrison SWCD Staff
It takes people to make conservation work—people who are willing to spend their time, efforts to make it happen.
Within Morrison county and its connected watersheds, you will find people whose careers are committed to the conservation of the local natural resources. We are District Technicians, Water Plan Coordinators, Foresters, Conservation Agronomists, Administrative Assistants, Managers, and Engineers. We love what we do, because we love where we live, and we strive to protect the lands, and natural resources around us.

Our History
July 1, 1937, the Minnesota Soil Conservation District Law became effective thus paving the way for Soil and Water Conservation District to be established. With the passing of this law, a State Conservation Committee was established to help organize SWCD’s across the state. The State Conservation Committee was later changed to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) which still exists today.
Morrison SWCD originated May 6, 1960

Meet the SWCD Staff & Board
Back row: Tom Brutscher, Dale Scholl, Shannon Wettstein, Lew Noska, Dave Hubner, Mike Becker
Front row: Lance Chisholm, Alan Ringwelski, Jennifer Knopik, Destiny Mankowski, Kolby Beehler, Dr. Bill Faber, Scott Saehr
SWCD Board

DALE SCHOLL – Chairman
District 4 Townships:
Pierz, Hillman, Mt. Morris, Bellevue, Buckman, Morrill, Lakin
SCOTT SAEHR – Secretary
District 3 Townships:
Little Falls, Agram, Buh, Granite, Leigh
BILL FABER – Public Relations
District 1 Townships:
Motley, Rosing, Scandia Valley, Cushing, Parker, Darling, Green Prairie
District 2 Townships:
Ripley, Platte, Pulaski, Richardson, Belle Prairie
DAVE HUBNER – Vice Chairman
District 5 Townships:
Culdrum, Pike Creek, Swanville, Swan River, Elmdale, Two Rivers