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Sweet Cherry Pie™ Cherry

Prunus 'Eubank' PPAF

Description & Overview

Sweet Cherry Pie cherry is a tart cherry that is known for its extremely heavy crop yield. It is also very precocious. This variety produces a nice quality dark red cherry that is excellent for pies, jams and cobblers. Sweet Cherry Pie is self-fertile.

Core Characteristics

Category: Fruit Trees

USDA Hardiness Zone: to zone 4

Mature Height: 15 feet

Mature Spread: 15 feet

Growth Rate: Moderate

Growth Form: Tree

Light Requirements: Full Sun to Partial Shade

Site Requirements: Well drained site

Flower: White

Bloom Period: Mid-May

Foliage: Green

Fall Color: N/A

Urban Approved: Yes

Fruit Notes: Tart, dark red cherries

Wildlife Value: Birds and raccoons love to eat cherries.

Maintenance Tips:

Cherries are usually pruned to a central leader system but also can be vase pruned in form.


Birds (especially robins) can sometimes be an issue when the fruit is nearly ripe. Covering the tree with netting or using scare tactics (hang shiny bird repellent strips in the tree) may be necessary in order to obtain a good crop.

Leaf Lore:

Sweet Cherry Pie cherry originated near River Falls, WI in the Eubank family orchard. Selected by the former Bill Eubank. It is known for producing heavy fruit crops. In cherry tests conducted at a nearby commercial orchard, Sweet Cherry Pie usually was found to be the highest yielding variety when compared against several other popular commercially grown tart cherry varieties.


Excerpted from: Johnson's Nursery

'Sweet Cherry Pie' Cherry

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